And you thought Red Bull was bad.
It turns out that while a can of the vilified energy drink has 80 milligrams of caffeine (just one-fifth the maximum amount you should have each day, according to the Mayo Clinic), one small cup of Starbucks drip coffee has more than three times that amount.
Regardless of how you get your caffeine, it's important to keep in mind that it's a stimulant with some positive and negative effects.
And the amount of caffeine that's in various drinks — or even the same drink from a different chain — can vary dramatically. Here's how much caffeine is in everything from a can of Coke to a plain coffee from McDonald's:
NEXT, CHECK OUT: What caffeine does to your body and brain
READ MORE: See how much caffeine is in the drinks from your favorite chains
One and a half cups of Starbucks coffee

According to the Mayo Clinic, most healthy adults can safely consume up to 400 mg of caffeine each day. But while most 12-ounce cups of coffee contain 90 to 120 mg of caffeine, one 12-ounce "tall" or small cup of Starbucks is far stronger, with about 260 mg of caffeine per cup.
About two bottles of 5-Hour Energy

These tiny bottles, or "shots," contain nearly the same amount of caffeine as a cup of Starbucks, which is closer to four cups of regular coffee. Each 2-ounce shot has about 215 mg of caffeine.
About four McDonald's coffees

Unlike Starbucks coffee, McDonald's drip contains roughly the same amount of caffeine as a "standard" cup of Joe. Each 12-ounce cup has about 109 mg of caffeine.
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